Stacking data for precision.

Layers x Data

A precise, layered approach maximizes engagement and drives superior results, setting a new standard for efficiency and effectiveness in your market.

Layers of connection.

How we measure campaigns

Our layered strategy isn't just about stacking data—it’s about weaving a rich tapestry of consumer insights that allows for unparalleled precision in targeting. By intersecting various aspects of consumer data, from demographics to offline behavior, we create a multidimensional campaign framework.

This intricate approach ensures that every facet of the consumer's identity and lifestyle is considered, leading to engagement that isn't just targeted but deeply resonant. Efficiency and effectiveness are the cornerstones of this layered methodology. Rather than broad-strokes advertising, we employ a scalpel—fine-tuning messaging to align perfectly with the nuanced needs and desires of your audience.

  • Our campaigns are geo-demographically tuned to connect with audiences where they live and breathe. This tailored approach ensures that every message resonates deeply with local sensibilities and cultural nuances, maximizing engagement and brand relevance.

  • Our demographic-centric layers leverage detailed audience analysis to deliver content that resonates with specific age groups, genders, and ethnicities. This results in hyper-relevant messaging that speaks directly to each demographic segment's individual experiences and interests.

  • By including life stages, we craft campaigns that speak to the heart of consumers' evolving needs and financial realities. This creates a powerful alignment between your brand and your audience’s key life moments.

  • Socio-economic layering allows us to craft messages that reflect the financial circumstances and social classes of your audience. By understanding these nuances, we create empathetic campaigns that resonate with consumers' realities and align perfectly with their aspirations and lifestyles.

  • Bridging the gap between digital footprints and offline behavior, we create seamless omnichannel campaigns that reflect the modern consumer's blended lifestyle, ensuring no potential engagement opportunity is missed.

  • Understanding purchase behavior is central to our strategy, which allows us to predict and influence consumer choices. This insight leads to personalized campaigns that drive sales and build lasting brand loyalty.

  • With our competitive conquesting data, we don't just follow market trends — we set them. Our campaigns utilize this data to strategically position your brand, helping you outmaneuver competitors and capture greater market share.

  • Contextual targeting in the digital space means your brand appears in the right place at the right time, ensuring relevance that captivates the consumer's interest and fosters a natural affinity with your products or services.

Thanks to JXM’s help, we’ve noticed improvements across various metrics. Our CPC rate has been decreasing steadily while our close rate has increased consistently year over year. Moreover, our value per acquisition has quadrupled, and our conversion rate has improved as well
— Dan Post
Post Woodworking

Trusted by industry-leading brands

Go ahead, ask away.

Client Story

Oh, when the Saints go looking for brand sponsorships.